Thursday, November 12, 2009

7 Months and Counting...more belly pics

These are some of my favorites...I guess we can call them "Belly Rebekah" instead of "Baby Rebekah"! hahaha

Saturday, November 7, 2009

7 Months and Counting...

Rebekah is growing bigger and bigger each day now...I am grateful that Lynette wanted to take pictures of my belly. I love feeling Rebekah move and can't help but wonder now what she looks like. There is nothing like having a baby grow inside of me. I am so grateful for this great blessing and thank Heavenly Father for it always. I know that not everyone gets this experience and it breaks my heart. I am grateful for that though because it has helped me to spend this pregnancy focusing on the wonderful experience instead of complaining about the hard parts. I think the hardest part now is the pain in my back and side and know that I will have to return to work.